Cuban Terrorist: USA Today's Insane Headline of the Day

Check out that headline USA Today placed on the latest AP story about the scandelous impending freedom of the hemisphere's most deadly terrorist, Luis Posada Carriles... an "anti-communist"??? I could not have found a better way to twist the story 180 degrees if I spent all morning trying. I mean what blue blooded USA Today reader is going to need to read any further. I mean, unfortunately, a dispute between "anti-communists" and Chavez/Castro's is not a fair fight when paired like that.
For some perspective,here are other slightly more accurate and descriptive headlines for the same exact story:
Victims Protest Cuban Militant's Release
Bombing victims' relatives protest pending release of Posada
Castro: Us About To Release 'Monster'
Castro condemns decision to release Cuban militant
Wow, I found another unbelieveable headline, from San Diego's terribly conservative paper:
Castro editorial stirs anti-US campaign
Here is the beginning of the actual AP article:
HAVANA (AP) — Tearful relatives of those killed in bombings blamed on Luis Posada Carriles lashed out at Washington on Wednesday, outraged that the jailed former U.S. operative could soon be released on bond.
Convalescing leader Fidel Castro echoed those sentiments in a signed statement, accusing American authorities of freeing a "monster" after a U.S. judge upheld a decision to grant bail to Posada.
"I'm outraged," said Iliana Alfonso, whose father was among those killed on a 1976 Cubana de Aviacion flight that exploded off Barbados. "In the United States they are talking about good terrorism and bad terrorism. To me, all terrorism is bad."
Posada, a Cuban-born former CIA operative and naturalized citizen of Venezuela, is wanted in Cuba and Venezuela for masterminding the jetliner bombing, which killed 73 people — charges Posada denies. Cuba's government has repeatedly accused the U.S. government of protecting Posada by holding him on a far less serious charge.
In a statement, Venezuela's Foreign Ministry accused the government of U.S. President George W. Bush of trying to protect "the terrorist because he has been a loyal and dependable employee of the U.S. intelligence services for more than four decades."
Whole thing
Imprisoned independent journalist Normando Hernandez Gonzalez has won the 2007 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award
Yeah I have already written to the PEN group, as well as posted my thoughts on the work of Mr Gonzalez at the Guardian newspaper here.
Gonzalez was paid by the propaganda arm of the US Government for the express purposes of undermining the government and independence of Cuba (thousands of dollars for hundreds of "reports" for our Government's Radio Marti and the USAID subsidized CubaNet). The purpose of the funding is right there in the enabling language of the Helms-Burton and Cuban Democracy Acts.
Gonzalez, was neither independent, nor a journalist. He was a well paid opportunist who found a way to live like a King by working for the enemy. You will not find 1 Cuban who has any sympathy for him and those like him.
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