Injustice in Haiti

What country has the US had a hand in ending 2 democratically-elected presidential in the last 15 years? It is Haiti, a country that has been descending into chaos and the economic depths since the February 2004 kidnapping and overthrow of the Haitian Government and elected leader Bertrand Aristide.
The Haitian election is coming up soon and the "election Council" there has been axing potential candidates. While the (miniscule) press attention to Haiti, which is ALSO suffering because of the Bush doctrine, has gone to the disloyal of an American citizen/businessman (big news) there has been next to nothing on the barring of Mr. Gerard Jean-Juste, a respected ex-Lavalas leader.
Mr JEan-Juste, a Priest and former Senator, was prevented being the Lavalas Party candidate because he is in jail on BS charges of a kidnapping that took place when he was in Miami.
Meanwhile, the arms and money behind the coup were certified as AOK. Mr. Guy Phillipe, a top hemispheric criminal, is cool to run, as is the head of the disgusting Business Federation head, Henri Baker (aka moneybags).
This really should be huge news because the country is on Civil War footing and getting the old lower-class urban Lavalas militants on board is critical to averting that. You could say they need a little faith in the system. Faith that one of their unjustly imprisoned leaders would not be barred from running because he is not there in person to register. Of course, the constitutional Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, has been in jail for over a year, accused of a 'massacre' in St. Marc on sketchy evidence, provoking UN officials to ask for his release or at least due process to be followed. Now they will boycott what hardcore call the "sanctioning of the coup" and violence will remain as the option.
In better news, a Commission of Inquiry led by Former Atty. General Ramsey Clarke has been formed to investigate the crimes and murders during and prior to the February 2004 kidnapping and overthrow of theHaitiann Government and elected leader Bertrand Aristide.
More empty rhetoric, or is Rice serious?
SECRETARY RICE (at today's press conference in Haiti): "Well, in terms of the situation here, I have talked to the Prime Minister and to the President about the importance of the justice system accelerating the consideration of the cases of high-profile people like former Prime Minister Neptune and now Father Jean-Juste because, as I've said to the Prime Minister, justice has to come in a timely fashion and it should not be the case that anyone can interpret that there is some kind of political motive here. And so it is extremely important that these cases be dealt with in a timely and, indeed, quick fashion."
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