Using Oil to Spread Revolution?

From: THE ECONOMIST , July 28th
This is on the moderate side as far as the confusion on Venezuela (and Cuba) go. Still utter deception.
It begins talking about Telsur (a channel I wish i had instead of Current TV) and the counter Bill by Rep. Connie Mack, calling for rival propaganda broadcasts.
>>>"Telesur comes on the heels of other initiatives in which Mr Chávez is using some of his country's windfall oil revenues to procure friends and influence abroad, especially in Latin America. Thus, Venezuela has bought $538m of Argentine debt. It is talking about doing the same for Ecuador's new populist government. Venezuela has also promised to build houses in Cuba and to finance co-operatives in Argentina."
>>>"Most of the schemes involve oil. They began with a pact to expand subsidised shipments to Fidel Castro's Cuba, in return for the services of 17,000 Cuban doctors."
Not true. Venezuela had subsidized Carribbean and Central American countries before Chavez, which they admit in the next paragraph slyly.
>>>"Some of these initiatives, such as Petrocaribe, expand on the polices of previous Venezuelan governments..."
and they go on to rattle off his relationship with Iran, China (called "close ties") and how this is a ploy to influence trade policy and votes on the UN.... like the US is not the king of such gamesmanship, called criminal coercion in the courts.
>>"In parallel, Mr Chávez seeks support among Latin Americans by posing as the leader of a continental revolution. At its cheekiest, this has led him to take advantage of the difficulties of Brazil's President Lula da Silva, a more moderate left-winger, to sponsor a samba school, whose theme will be Viva la Revolución, at next year's Rio carnival."
For the non-British, "cheekiest" is a word that allows one to slyly allege Chavez is taking advantage of a neighboring President Lula facing (unfair) allegations in Brazil when in fact, Chavez has been the only one there publically defending Lula.
<<<"All the same, Mr Chávez's successes are fragile ones. For one thing, it is hard to see what tangible benefits Venezuelans derive from this diplomacy.">>> Ask the million that have learned to read or the millions more than have been able to get health care and food when they needed it.
<<>> Like every diplomatic corps are not loyal branches of their government's position.
It seems as if anything that Chavez does that does not meet the standards of the United States or some related policy is a crime against man.
Chavez, despite attempts at being overthrown, has down wonders with Ven. and he will continue to do wonders with rest of Latin America.
Everyone seems to be focusing on oil. Oil this oil that. Has greed literally consumed this nation and engulfed our policy and our perception of Ven.? I think so, and it is rather sad.
No one ever mentions anythign that Chavez has done: education, healthcare, revitalization of the Ven. economy and he has re-instilled faith in his people. He was democratically elected, he was not selected like Bush.
Maybe that is why Bush doesn't like Chavez, b/c Chavez was actually voted in by his people.
It is rather sad actually if you think about it, of course. But hey, we are just a bunch of socialist huh Matt?
--See ya, and keep up the good work,
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