Miami: Families of Cuban Terrorists Get Anti-Terror Money

The families of a Bay of Pigs CIA pilot and a mercenary/arms dealer were awarded $91 million (Cuban) dollars Monday as the first beneficiary of a 2002 anti-terror law that allows the transfer of seized dollars from (5) designated "terrorist states" to families of "wrongful deaths."
From the Miami Herald piece unbelievably titled Castro Victims Awarded $91M:
A New York federal judge on Friday ordered JP Morgan Chase Bank to turn over $91 million in frozen Cuban assets to a South Florida family and others who had won huge damages claims against Fidel Castro's government for having executed two relatives more than four decades ago.
The judge ruled that $23.9 million must be released within days to Janet Ray Weininger, of Palmetto Bay, the daughter of CIA pilot Thomas ''Pete'' Ray, who was shot down during the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion and later executed by the Cuban government.
''I would give everything I have to get my father back in my life,'' said Weininger, who was 6 years old when he died. ``These scars will always stay with me, but now I can focus on some good coming from this.''
"This is the final justice, but it would have been so much better if Mom had been alive,'' said Bonnie Anderson
Umm, What tha???
How the hell is it a "wrongful death" when Cuba executes one of the leaders of a foriegn invasion and a counter-revolutionary arms dealer? I could see a wrongful death when the invading force kills civillians, but not the exact opposite scenario. Is the law that bad or was it the judge?
Readers of this blog should know that this is not the first time Cuba and "terrorism" have strangely mingled (a florida professor has been bugged under Patriot Act, Cuba gets more Office of Foreign Assets resources than al-qaeda... but actual Cuban terrorists get coddled and harbored in this country).
Here, the new law's astoundingly low burden of proof shows why it's great to have the House and Senate back. The result is that the US steals $91 million from the Cuban people - although that is just a pittance over the cost of the Embargo in a year.
I would love it if the Cubans would steal millions in say US movie and music rights for every wrongful death the Americans have casued the Cuban people. Cubans have never harmed any American who was not actually at war on its soil.
Read the rulingyourself and read how they dance around the facts that the law does not apply to countries not designated as terrorist at the time of the 1961 event, why they don't need to determine whether the executions in Cuba were "acts of terror" and what Cuban telephone company money has to do with the Bay of Pigs.
Meanwhile, cuban slaves are ignored by "A View To The South".
Adalberto Rodriguez, Fernando Alonso and Luis Casanova, the three Cubans who were able to escape from a forced labor camp at the Curacao Drydock Company Inc. and are now suing that company in US courts for conspiring with the Castro regime to exploit them and hundreds of other Cuban workers, were guests last night of "A mano limpia" with Dominican journalist Oscar Haza, on Channel 41 America Te Ve.
I posted the link to watch the program on the Internet last night. For those who missed it, here is a summary of what they said:
The reason why approximately 100 Cubans are working at the Curacao Drydock Company Inc. is that some time ago the company did some work for ships of Cuba's merchant marine and the Castro regime never paid the bill. When Curacao Drydock demanded payment, Castro offered to send Cuban slaves to work there instead. The Cubans work an average of 16 hours per day; have to do the work that the other workers don't want to do; sleep on hammocks at the same shipyard where they work; sometimes they have to work for 30 days without a day off; and on top of that, after ending their 16 hour shifts, they are forced to watch videos with speeches of the Cuban dictator.
The Cuban workers told Haza how they had to hide in Curacao for up to three months where they were helped by a Haitian coworker and several Cuban exiles who live there. When they went from Curacao to Venezuela, the National Guard stopped them and when they realized that they were Cubans trying to flee the Castro regime they asked for all their money they had in order to allow them to proceed to Colombia. They were set free after paying the bribe.
From Colombia they were finally able to reach the US.
One of the workers related how he was ordered by his Curacao Drydock supervisor to enter a gas tank that had not been completely cleared of all the fumes. When he complained that it was unsafe and inhuman to force him to work there, the supervisor, who works for Curacao Drydock, told him: "Remember that Cubans are supposed to follow orders, otherwise we kick their asses and send them back to Cuba."
The three Cubans also said that there workers from Colombia and other countries who were actually working as "helpers" for them, but were making 60 times as much money as they were because they were being paid directly, while in the case of the Cubans the Castro regime paid them an average of three and a half cents per hour, based on the number of hours that they had to work. Also, most Cubans had to work at night and also on weekends, when the pay is supposed to be higher.
They said that on December 31 of last year, the only workers who had to work that night were Cubans. They told Haza that once the Cuban debt to the Drydock Company is repaid, the Castro regime plans to continue to send slave workers to Curacao and have it as a new source of hard currency.
Another thing that they said is that many of the ships that are being repaired are American ships, including many of the cruise liners that sail from Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. This could be considered a violation of the embargo.
All three have their whole family in Cuba.
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