Friday, September 22, 2006

Chavez Responds to the Heat

As wimpy Democrats scramble to use the American public's ignorance of Hugo Chavez and the amazing benefits he is bringing to Venezuela's poor, to position themselves as tough during an election year, it is up to Chavez to defend himself. These comments are straight off the press from a Time magazine exclusive to be released next week:

"Bush has called me worse things — tyrant, populist dictator, drug trafficker, to name a few," Chavez said. "I'm not attacking Bush; I'm simply counterattacking. Bush has been attacking the world, and not just with words — with bombs. I think the bombs he's unleashed on Baghdad or Lebanon do a lot more harm than any words spoken in the United Nations."

On the growing support in Latin America for his brand of "21st-century socialism," Chavez said: "After seeing the failure of Washington-backed capitalist reforms in Latin America, I no longer think a third way between capitalism and socialism is possible. Capitalism is the way of the devil and exploitation. If you really want to look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ — who I think was the first socialist — only socialism can really create a genuine society."

Chavez expressed confidence that the U.N. will vote to give Venezuela a non-permanent seat in the Security Council next month. "It's because of the moment we're living right now, the need to block the cannons of the U.S. empire," he said. "The U.N.'s members believe we can have the most impact on that debate. The U.S. fears Venezuela's presence on the Council because it knows we'll be an independent vote for the Third World."

Chavez also had some pointed comments on his country's role as the hemisphere's largest oil producer. "Bush wanted Iraq's oil and I believe he wants Venezuela's oil," Chavez said. "But the blame for high oil prices lies in the consumer model of the U.S. Its reckless oil consumption is a form of suicide."


Blogger jsb said...

"Bush wanted Iraq's oil and I believe he wants Venezuela's oil,"

We already have his oil. He sells it to us everyday. Capitalists in America are paying for the revolution in Venezuela. He should be grateful for our financing. He should praise us for our consumption. It's the only thing propping him up.

7:46 AM  
Blogger leftside said...

Look, the relationship is mutaully beneficial. But surely it is the US citizens who should be most grateful that Chavez has kept the pipe to America flowing during the summer. Talk about a meltdown, if we would have lost 8% during $75 a barrel days...

4:51 PM  

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