UNESCO Literacy Prize Goes to Cuba

This is the kind of dangerous activity Cuba is promoting in the hemisphere. It's no fluke. The Cuban Revolution abolished illiteracy as one of its first tasks. Later libraries and schools sprouted like mushrooms. Today Cuban children score nearly twice as high as the average Latin/Carribean child on UN tests. And soon Bolivia and Ecuador may join Venezuela as nations to take the first step in creating a culture of inclusion - thanks to this program. Meanwhile in the US, studies show about a quarter of our adult population is functionally illiterate.
And before I hear anyone say Cubans can't read what they want, read this report from the American Library Association. They found the supposed banned books were on the shelves or checked out. They found 'independent librarians' to be neither independent nor librarians. They found a country that valued highly books and access to information, despite the embargo's restraints.
The 2006 UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize is awarded to Cuba's "Yo, Si Puede" literacy program (the Youth and Adult Literacy and Education Chair of the Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute of the Republic of Cuba (IPLAC)) for its work “to advance individual and social potential through innovative teaching methods with successful outcome in more than 15 countries, notably Ecuador and Venezuela. Its programme has been adapted to, and in some times replicated in, different parts of the world, and in a variety of social, cultural and ethnic contexts. The reward also recognizes work carried out in designing a complex Evaluation Model of variables, indicators and instruments to monitor and assess the impact of these literacy programmes on the newly literates and their human environment as well as measuring their individual development. Audiovisual and new information and communication technologies have been used to extend the reach and the efficiency of teaching material, including post-literacy material, developed for the programme. The post-literacy materials is designed to inculcate and develop reading comprehension and writing proficiency, enlarge the vocabulary of the new literates, facilitate reflection and debate and develop oral expression. The programme also broaches subjects related to the family, the environment, hygiene and health linked to the socio-cultural, economic and political context of the country in which it is implemented.
Sounds like a great place to raise your future family. Wouldn't you agree Matthew?
(well, except for that whole food rationing thing)
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***whoops, spelled a word wrong in my last post. here it is again, without error***
You crack me up Matthew. =) I think you always will. Excuse the rant...
Here you sit, in a country you hate so much, fantasizing about a Cuban utopia, living off capitalism, uprooting from your home to jump across the country and work your way up the pay scale... I could go on and on.
It's the argument you hate so much (and find so immature and simple-minded) because I believe you have the hardest time dealing with it. Deep down you're a socialist living in a capitalist society. That's just gotta' burn!
All those convictions you hold - like wanting to move to Cuba and open a record store - but apparently no willpower to actually do so... it's gotta' be tough on you!
Love ya cousin, but your whining is getting old. Get up, get out and make a better life for yourself. If you can do that in Cuba - more power to you. But you're not...
You live for a Christian utopia, yet live in sinful, decadent California. Maybe we are more alike than we think ;)
And again, I don't "live off capitalism." I hope I never will. I make a living giving hell to real estate developers, for the benefit of the City and its residents. I'm a planner - I get to be a socialist at work - but still capitalistic greed still makes difficult most of the good we try to do.
I've never compained about my life. I went to school in the suburbs, had parents who could help me go to college, and had health care most of my life. Since I love American culture and Americans so much is why I want so much to improve things we can weasily improve. - and why I fight for it here.
I've answered your question a million ways already Mark, this is another try. I would much prefer read your comments on the actual things I post about.
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