Bolivia + Brazil + Chile = Tranquillo

After all the guff in the US press about the "disaster,", the "rift," the "shock" - the decision of Bolivia to control of one's natural resources - it appears even the Wall Street Journal will have to relax. While the most affected (Brazilians) reiterates its absolute respect" for the move, the US press screams bloody murder.
The Associated Press
LA PAZ, Bolivia — Bolivia and Brazil will form a commission to discuss the implementation of Bolivia's decision to nationalize its natural gas industry, a move that raised tensions between the South American neighbors.
Energy officials from the countries met Wednesday night to discuss Bolivia's decision last week to set gas prices and transfer majority control of all energy operations to its state energy company.
In a statement after the meeting, officials from both countries said the Brazilian government "reiterates its absolute respect for the sovereign decisions taken by the government and people of Bolivia" in the nationalization decree....
On what Mr. Morales has planned in other sectors, we must read the Cuban press.
On Chile: The Bolivian government's (previous policy) "has been replaced by a diplomatic rapprochement with Santiago". There is a Morales-Bachelet meeting in Vienna as part of the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit. Bachelet was recentlly quoted as saying that Latin American countries with governments trying to eradicate unequalities should not be demonized, in a reference to Venezuela and Bolivia.
On the Peasantry: "Bolivia is preparing a second agrarian reform to redistribute the land in a model differing from the neoliberalism in force since 1985. This will require either meeting the requirements or turning the estates over for redistribution within the community and poor farmers, part of the National Development Program to be announced May 31. With completion set for 2010, redistribution is truly aimed at making idle land productive, something the Confederation of Private Businessmen resists, but accepts."
Talk about doublespeak. There's a difference between respecting sovereignty and disagreeing over the actions of the Bolivian government. And believe me, the Brazilians are not happy. But they understand that it is Bolivia's right to do what they did in the end. But your kidding yourself if you think Brazilians are cheering this on. But then you're always kidding yourself.
"A spokesman for Petrobras, which is also one of the largest foreign investors in any sector in Bolivia, called it an "unfriendly" action.
The Brazilian government said on Tuesday that it respected Bolivian sovereignty but added that it would negotiate firmly and calmly to preserve the interests of Petrobras."
"...and the (socialist) Spanish government expressed "deep concern" at the move.
The Spanish Deputy Prime Minister said Mr Morales' actions could deter foreign investment in Bolivia."
And readers should be aware that the cuban press is government owned, run and edited. Matthew's reliance on this media would be as if he was quoting the Voice of America on a domestic issue. Take it for what it is.
How comforting it is to have my own watchdog on patrol...
But perhaps your wasting your breath as I SAY that I had to rely on the Cuban press because no one else cares to report on this (positive) stuff in Bolivia.
And I I never SAY that the Brazillians are "happy." Tranquilo means something different. So where's the doublespeak? Of course both sides are staking out hard tough positions - thats what negotiation over billions of dollars in profits is all about.
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